If you checked your data maturity please check your inbox
We know your inbox is pretty crowded but we’d love it if you would keep an eye out for this email
It’s been a year
A year ago we launched a free online tool to that allows non-profit and other organisations to undertake a data maturity assessment. Hundreds of people have used the tool since then.
We have launched a survey
Today we have launched a survey of the people who have used the tool. We want to understand what difference (if any) the data maturity assessment made in their organisation. The results will help us to understand the impact we are having on the sector as well as guiding us as we create new versions of the tool.
So if you took the data maturity assessment please check your inbox for an email asking you to take part and please take part.
If, for some reason, you can’t find the email, please get in touch and we’ll make sure you can take part,
About our data maturity assessment
Our data maturity assessment is based on our data maturity framework developed based on extensive research with social sector organisations. The framework is available under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial licence. As well as showing you where your organisation is compared to the framework, our online assessment tool also shows you were you are compared to the sector.
It’s a vital tool if you are planning a data strategy, want evidence for investment in data or want to start a conversation within your organisation about what you could be differently.
How to access the data maturity assessment
For larger or more complex organisations we offer a paid tool which allows multiple people in your organisation take part in the same assessment. Public sector organisations will be interested to know this service is available on the G-Cloud 12 framework.
Do you work with cohorts of organisations? Maybe you are a support organisations, a funder, or a consultant? We are piloting a version of the tool just for you. Get in touch if you’d like to know more.