Latest findings on data maturity in the nonprofit sector published


Our latest State of the Sector report into levels of data maturity in the nonprofit sector was launched this month. The report analyses data from individuals and organisations that have completed our data maturity assessment tool. With over 6,000 people now having completed an assessment and three years of data measuring and benchmarking how organisations are doing, it means we’re starting to see some clear trends and unique insights emerging.

In our State of the Sector 2023 report we analyse the most recent data from 2022-23, but also, for the first time take a long-lens look at what the data over the last three years tells us about what’s changing for people and organisations in the sector.

Sian Basker, Data Orchard’s Co-CEO and co-author of the report, summarised the headline findings in a webinar. We had over 250 sign ups for this event so were delighted that there seems to be a real and growing interest in our tracking of how well the sector is doing and what progress is being made.

Read headline findings in the executive summary or download the full report: State of the Sector: Data Maturity in the Nonprofit Sector 2023.