Quality of life survey
The Quality of Life survey provided robust new local data, so that hundreds of small voluntary and community organisations could target their services to the people and places most in need.
Client: Various partners from Herefordshire
Date: 2018
Work: Research and analysis
Data Orchard led and delivered an entirely not for profit, collaboratively funded, county-wide residents survey. This was designed to fill gaps in the local evidence base (see our work on Herefordshire's Sustainable Route Map for more info).
Notably the research, as part of a project called Better Data Better Lives, explored quality of life data including, access and barriers to services and advice, culture and leisure, unpaid care, loneliness and social contact, well-being, social capital and community safety. The aim of the survey was to provide much needed information for a range of not-for-profit organisations, to target their services and resources to the people most in need of support. It took several years of planning and fundraising - thanks to a grant from Awards For All lottery and the E.F. Bulmer Benevolent Fund; and jointly funded by Herefordshire Community Foundation, the Great Places programme and the Brightspace Foundation, alongside our own contribution.
What we did
The Quality of life survey was posted to a random sample of 4,000 households in Herefordshire in the spring of 2018. It was complemented by consultation with young adults (via an online survey and focus group).
Designing the questionnaire was a balance of getting all we wanted to know versus keeping it a manageable size for respondents. It included using questions asked in previous years by the local authority (eg about social capital) to provide trend data, and benchmarking questions asked elsewhere (such as health and well-being).
“A big thank you to all those who responded!”
The results
The survey forms were processed, checked, analysed and weighted (no mean feat!) - to ensure the data reflected the population of Herefordshire. We produced a series of reports from the headline results to thematic analyses, and ran several events to discuss the results.
Engage with the detail
Here are the detailed reports focusing on what the survey told us about different topics:
Herefordshire Quality of Life Survey 2018 - Technical report
Herefordshire Quality of Life Survey 2018 - Access to the natural environment and well-being
Herefordshire Quality of Life Survey 2018 - Arts, culture, heritage and well-being
Herefordshire Quality of Life Survey 2018 - People who are disabled or have a long term illness
Herefordshire Quality of Life Survey 2018 -Social capital and cohesion