10GM: Using research and data maturity assessments to drive improvement across the VCSE sector in Manchester


Client: 10GM
Date: Summer 2023 - April 2024
Work: Research and analysis, data maturity assessment

About the organisation

10GM is a joint venture to support the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester. Four Greater Manchester-based not-for-profit bodies are founding members of the organisation. Their shared purpose is ultimately to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Greater Manchester’s people and communities. Running 10GM on cooperative principles, these partners work strategically and collaboratively to champion local voluntary and community action, and social enterprise across the city region. 

What we did

In summer 2023, 10GM commissioned Data Orchard to research data and intelligence in the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester.

The purpose was to understand the current situation, and engage the sector in exploring how data and intelligence could contribute to improving VCSE activity and services. 

Over six months we engaged with over 300 people from across many organisations in Greater Manchester, to:

  • Map the data and intelligence ecosystem

  • Assess VCSE data maturity, capacity and capability

  • Deep dive into data maturity in organisations supporting people experiencing severe and multiple deprivation

  • Identify case studies of inspiring organisations’ data journeys

  • Develop recommendations for a set of potential pilot projects in response to needs and opportunities

Those 300 people participated in one or more of: 

  • Four in-person workshops

  • A data maturity assessment

  • One to one interviews

Research and mapping of the data ecosystem

Two in-person workshops allowed us to produce:

  • A map of key data sources and platforms in the ecosystem

  • A summary of the types of data being used from different sectors

  • An overview of data-related software tools being used

Assessing data maturity

In total, 266 people from 58 organisations took part in a cohort data maturity assessment to explore our seven key themes of data maturity. This allowed us to paint a picture of data maturity in a wide range of VCSE organisations across the Greater Manchester area. Our report highlighted strengths (the highest scoring theme was Culture) and weaknesses (the lowest scoring theme was Skills), as well as benchmarking against others in the wider sector.

Staff from nine organisations working with people experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage also participated in a deep dive data maturity assessment. Cohort participants were able to customise the set-up of their assessments to enable internal benchmarking by team/department/service. We facilitated an online live launch event for most organisations, where staff were introduced to data and data maturity, then took the data maturity assessment individually (at the same time) and reflected together immediately after.

At the end, each organisation received a summary report and key findings (including internal and external benchmarking), and a synthesis of their team’s discussions. The whole cohort came together for a final session in December 2023 to reflect on the cohort findings and generate ideas for improvement.

Case studies of best practice

Our in-person workshops with organisations allowed us to identify some areas of more advanced use of data. We co-produced three case studies to provide inspiration and demonstrate ‘the art of the possible’ for organisations in the sector. These were on:

Reporting back

As well as the results of the data maturity assessments, and research and mapping exercise, our final project report included reflections on the opportunities, challenges, enablers and barriers for better use of data and intelligence for the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester. We also included recommendations for areas to prioritise, and a list - including outlines - of ten possible ‘test and learn’ projects to undertake.

At the end of the project, Emma Ansell-Meehan (Strategic Lead) at 10GM said:

“From their initial proposal, through to the project completion, Sian, Mads and the team were a joy to work with. They bring deep knowledge and expertise around data in the VCSE sector, a clear methodology, and a fantastic ability to translate the complicated world of data for those of us who aren’t natural ‘data people’. Their approach was comprehensive and methodical, but flexible as the needs of the project changed. 

The most unique thing about working with Data Orchard for me is that this wasn’t simply a research/engagement project where we asked people lots of questions and then wrote a report using their insight, but that the people and organisations who participated in the data maturity assessment were equipped with knowledge and tips on improving their organisation approach to data.”

Next steps

10GM have said they will use the outcomes of this project to: 

  • Evidence impact

  • Evidence need

  • Increase efficiency

  • Inform future planning and strategy

  • Secure data resources (e.g. roles, skills, tools, consultancy)

Emma said:

“The Data Orchard work has enabled us to develop a clear ‘roadmap’ for a more data-mature VCSE sector. This in turn will increase the difference the VCSE sector can make in Greater Manchester. Internally, it’s also given us lots of practical ideas about how we can be more purposeful with our collection and usage of data.”

Just one month on from publishing the report on the project, 10GM had already begun follow-up work, including a leadership development workshop on ‘using data to drive decisions’. This was attended by around 25 leaders with a focus on leadership and data skills required by their organisations. The recommendations from the report have also been used to write a funding proposal for investment from Greater Manchester public sector organisations, which will be used to build data skills, capacity and capabilities amongst Greater Manchester’s 17,000 VCSE organisations.